
UNMISS UNPOL capacity building SSNPS south sudan eastern equatoria torit police rule of law peacekeeping united nations peacekeepers

Building confidence and creating safe communities - that's the ultimate goal of community policing initiatives. UNPOL officers serving with UNMISS in Torit, South Sudan, recently trained 25 local policing counterparts as part of their ongoing support to local law enforcement efforts in expanding community policing across Eastern Equatoria. Photo by Samira Y. Salifu/UNMISS

unmiss stand up for peace concert music united nations peace reconciliation south sudan yambio

In Yambio, South Sudan, a peace concert organized by UNMISS and the state government wasn't merely a fantastic show. It also gave hope to concert goers that peace and unity in this young nation are a priority for leaders and communities alike. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western bahr el ghazal wau unpol ssnps capacity building crime investigation

Investigating crimes is a key policing skill. UN Police in Wau recently taught a group of South Sudanese colleagues more about how to go about it. Photos: Jimmy Ludanga/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan peace reconciliation cattle rates white nile sobat intercommunal clashes revenge attacks coexistence upper nile baliet ulang civil affairs united nations un peacekeeping peacekeepers

A reinvigorated commitment to ending conflict and promoting peace - these were the main takeaways from a three-day dialogue-based forum organized by UNMISS and peace partners in remote Ulang, Upper Nile, bringing together feuding communities from three counties. Photo by Nyang Touch/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan northern bahr el ghazal state aweil income generation vocational training liquid soap empowerment

Liquid soap production in progress as graduates from a vocational skill training in Aweil showcased their know-how. Photo: Deng Mou/UNMISS
