
cattle United Nations peacekeeping UNMISS South Sudan Malakal animals veterinary care

At a recent free veterinary camp in Malakal, Upper Nile, UNMISS peacekeepers from India treated more than 1500 animals for a variety of diseases and raised awareness on sustainable animal rearing practices among livestock owners. Photo by Samuel Adwok Deng/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western equatoria state yambio girls gender-based violence early forced marriages pregnancies education school

Police officers serving with UNMISS urged girls at a school in Western Equatoria to overcome challenges to finish their studies. Photos: Martin Siba/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan returnees voluntary returns peace conflict uganda refugee IDP united nations unpeacekeeping

As the peace process in South Sudan begins to ramp up, those who fled the civil wars of the past decade are slowly returning to their original settlements. However, rebuilding lives irrevocably altered by violence isn't easy, as a visiting UNMISS patrol to Morobo, Central Equatoria, discovered. Photo by James Sokiri/UNMISS

unmiss women grassroots peace south sudan decision-making united nations un peacekeeping

At a two-day workshop facilitated by UNMISS in Northern Bahr El Ghazal for some 65 traditional leaders, spirited discussions revolved around the need for women's full participation in galvanizing the ongoing peace process in South Sudan as well as harnessing the expertise and influence of customary leaders to shape a brighter future for this young nation. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS
