
South Sudan Youth Peace Security Music International Day of UN Peacekeepers Upper Nile Malakal Jado Music peacekeeping

South Sudanese musician, Jado Yoanis Jago was born in the Tonga locality of Malakal, Upper Nile state. His dream of being a musician came true in 2015, when he released his first album. Photo by Samson Liberty/UNMISS.

UNMISS International Day of UN Peacekeepers COVID-19  South Sudan Peacekeepers Nepal Doctor

Lieutenant Hinasha Thapa, a 27-year-old army officer and a medical doctor from Nepal, is serving a a Senior Medical Officer with UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians South Sudan International Day of UN Peacekeepers Eastern Equatoria artist local communities Youth Peace Security

29-year-old Innocent Opiyo is a graphic designer from Obbo village in Magwi county, Eastern Equatoria. With the money he makes using his artistic skill, he supports not only his own family but also other members from his community. Photo by Okello James/UNMISS.

unmiss south sudan eastern equatoria state quick impact projects selection monitoring benefits

A new prison block was just what the doctor ordered and UNMISS funded in Chukudum, where the old facilities resulted in gender-based violence and unwanted pregnancies. Photos: Samira Y. Salifu/UNMISS

South Sudan Global Goals Youth Peace Security Development Western Equatoria Music Peacekeepers Day UN Peacekeepers

24-year-old South Sudanese guitarist and music producer Eyoba Richard says he believes that young people across the country need to stop fighting and unite to usher in an era of progress. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS.
