
unmiss bangladesh south sudan prison rehabilitation reintegration police warrap medical school education peacekeepers united nations un peacekeeping

Bangladeshi peacekeepers serving for peace in Kuajok continue to win hearts, boost confidence and build trust with host communities. Recently, they handed over school supplies to students in remote areas; gave free medical checks to patients in Kuajok State Hospital and State Prison; distributed sewing machines to help upskill the incarcerated; and built numerous shelters for local police to help them continue upholding the rule of law, even during inclement weather. Photos by Zejin Yin/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western bahr el ghazal raja county unpol justice system capacity building

How to best prevent crime, make arrests and handle suspects and everyone else with respect - there was plenty to ponder for police officers in Rajaf during a capacity building session offered by their UN counterparts. Photo: Michael Wondi/UNMISS

UNMISS United Nations Quick Impact Projects Torit health human rights maternal health peacekeeping UN peacekeepers rule of law

An UNMISS-funded maternity ward has given hope to Magwi residents. Since the new center began operations, committed medical staff have given prenatal care to some 340 women plus ensured over 300 safe deliveries. Photo by Okello James/UNMISS
