
UNMISS United Nations Quick Impact Projects Warrap prisons human rights humane incarceration tonj north perimeter peacekeeping UN peacekeepers rule of law

What are the benefits of having a secure prison perimeter? Inviolable custody of violent offenders; scope for outdoor recreation for inmates; and a general boost to safety and security for community members. That's why UNMISS funded the construction of a perimeter wall for Warrap Prison in Tonj North. Photo by Peter Kuol/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan eastern equatoria state ikotos county intercommunal conflict fragile peace field mission returnees trade

Residents of until recently squabbling communities in Ikotos County had lots to tell a visiting delegation, which included UN peacekeepers. Photos: Okello James/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan upper nile state child protection six grave violations

Learning how to not violate the rights of children in armed conflict ongoing, this time in Malakal. Photo: Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan bahr el ghazal traditional justice leaders chiefs formal justice system local governance

UNMISS gathered traditional leaders from all four states of the Bahr El Ghazal region for discussions on how to improve coexistence of formal and informal authorities. Photo: Michael Wondi/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan northern bahr el ghazal aweil east primary school quick impact project no more under the tree classrooms

There was pure joy among the boys and girls attending Lietnhom primary school when they received new, UNMISS-funded classrooms, replacing the shade of trees where they were subject to the elements. Photos: Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS
