
Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers development elections constitution capacity building discussion projects rice cultivation

A rice cultivation pilot programme in Bor, supported by UNMISS peacekeepers from South Korea, aims to build community resilience and peace. Photo By Mach Samuel/UNMISS.

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers development elections constitution capacity building discussion sexual gender based violence awareness training

Residents of Naandi attend an UNMISS-facilitated event on preventing and reporting on sexual and gender-based violence to help create a safer environment. Photo by Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers development elections constitution capacity building discussion orphans orphanage peace dignity South Sudan solidarity

UNMISS teams up with UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes to visit children residing in Saint Bhakita Orphanage in Nzara, Western Equatoria. Photo by Denis Louro Oliver/UNMISS
