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18 October 2013 - Vehicles with much-needed goods began arriving in the Western Bahr El-Ghazal capital Wau today, after Chinese engineers opened up a road that had been closed for two weeks.
19 October 2013 - Some 25 customary chiefs from Aweil, Northern Bahr El-Ghazal State (NBEG), concluded a two-day workshop today on basic human rights and court jurisdiction.
18 October 2013 - The Justice and Peace Commission and UNMISS began a three-day training today for over 40 “peace promoters” in Rubkona County, Unity State.
UNMISS Chief Air Operations Officer Jorge Jackson and MI-26 mission helicopter, which can carry 90 troops or 20,000kg of cargo. Air travel is often the only way to ferry passengers and materials around South Sudan during the rainy season. Photo: UNMISS / Martine Perret
17 October 2013 - To boost awareness of human rights among customary leaders, UNMISS held a workshop in partnership with the Upper Nile government for 35 traditional chiefs today in the capital Malakal.
17 October 2013 - Recommending new laws to protect girls’ rights, Unity State Ministry of Education in collaboration with UNICEFcelebrated International Day of the Girl Child today in the capital Bentiu.
17 October 2013 - A Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) Commander in Pinyikango County, Upper Nile State, today pledged to sign punitive order documents that there would be no more children used under his area of command.
16 October 2013 - UNMISS had ranked Western Equatoria State a “green state” due to its stability and huge potential in agriculture and other sectors, a senior mission official said today in the state capital Yambio.
16 October 2013 - Much food is wasted in South Sudan due to lack of storage, processing and packaging facilities as well as transport to market, according to a statement issued today by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
South Sudan is celebrating World Food Day on 16 October under the theme, “Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition”. The day is observed every year to help increase understanding of problems and solutions in the drive to end hunger. Photo: UNMISS/Isaac Gideon