Community policing needed to fight crime, Bentiu officer says

6 Aug 2013

Community policing needed to fight crime, Bentiu officer says

3 August 2013 - It was vital for local police and communities to work together in fighting crime, a South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) officer said in the Unity State capital Bentiu today.

"Some crimes ... can only (get) solved if the community exposes the criminals to the police," said SSNPS Community Policing Officer Lt. Gijock Dang during a meeting between SSNPS, UN Police (UNPOL) and Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC) members in the Khalibalek area.

According to PCRC Chairperson Peter Manytuel, the meeting was held to discuss and find solutions for problems affecting local residents.

Mr. Manytuel said the committee had found rental office space, which would help improve communication between the police, community and non-governmental organizations.

UNPOL Advisors briefed participants on their role to help build the capacity of SSNPS in maintaining security. But they said UNPOL was not involved with other development and humanitarian challenges.

Community members raised various concerns, including the presence of water snakes in the area, which had killed several people.

UNPOL advisors urged residents to report such matters to the government and stay away from identified dangerous places.

They also encouraged the community to educate local youth and involve them in projects like digging water canals. Keeping youth busy would help prevent them from committing crimes, the UNPOL officers said.