Tokyo UNIC Director commends UN and humanitarian agencies addressing challenges in South Sudan

16 Mar 2016

Tokyo UNIC Director commends UN and humanitarian agencies addressing challenges in South Sudan

The Director of the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) Tokyo commended the solidarity of UN and humanitarian agencies helping to stabilize the security and   humanitarian   situation in South Sudan.

Ms. Kaoru Nemoto, Director of the UNIC Tokyo, visited the Bentiu Field office and said, “I am impressed how the UN, humanitarian agencies as well as UNMISS are working as one trying to stabilize the situation and enhance gradually the people to go back to normal”.

Ms. Nemoto also underlined the unprecedented operation of UNMISS in protecting civilians in the PoC sites across the country.  
She said the PoC arrangement is meant to be a short term solution for emergency purpose and that she has observed joint efforts by the UN and humanitarian families to find medium and long term strategies and solution.
The Director is visiting South Sudan with the objectives of showcasing UN and Agency efforts to relevant stakeholders in Japan.  More specifically, how these efforts are contributing to peace and security in the country.

“I want to gather first-hand information from UN colleagues so that I can tell the stories about UNMISS and the work of United Nations as a family”, the Director said.

Later this year, Japan is hosting the G-7 Summit, the country is also hosting the Tokyo International Conference on Africa Development (TICAD) in August in Kenya. During the TICAD, the discussion will centre upon various peace and security issues involving many African nations, as well as the work and involvement of the UN and its partners and agencies, Ms. Nemoto noted.

The Director visited humanitarian operations in the Bentiu PoC site, Rubkona and Bentiu towns including food aid distribution activities, outpatient health facilities and mine awareness sensitization for school children, the future site of the humanitarian hub, as well as the UNMISS temporary operation base in Bentiu.