UNMISS appeals for calm after deadly clashes in Malakal Protection of Civilians site
JUBA, 29 May 2023 - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) is calling for calm at the Malakal Protection of Civilians (PoC) site in Upper Nile state following a violent incident on 28 May.
Tensions between communities at a water point erupted resulting in the death of a 32-year-old man and several others injured.
UNMISS urges local leaders to encourage their communities to embrace dialogue and refrain from any violence.
The Mission commends the Governor for meeting with local communities to de-escalate the situation. State authorities have deployed the South Sudan National Police Service and South Sudan People’s Defence Forces around the POC site to strengthen security measures.
UNMISS has increased the peacekeepers’ strength at the POC site and is conducting overnight patrols, in addition to working with authorities and communities to decongest the site and reduce tensions. To address the needs of vulnerable people, humanitarian organizations have been providing services to internally displaced people, along with providing packages, including vouchers that enable families to return to their areas of origin.
UNMISS continues to support the Government and respective communities to reduce tensions and embrace dialogue and the use of justice institutions to resolve grievances. While the primary responsibility for protecting civilians lies with the Government, the Mission is proactively deploying available resources and making every effort to help ensure the safety and security of vulnerable internally displaced communities as well as returnees.
Contact: UNMISS Spokesperson at unmiss-spokesperson@un.org