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  1. Upper Nile prison officers trained in human rights

    11 November 2011... to improve the lives of prisoners in Upper Nile State, UNMISS Human Rights unit completed a two-day workshop today in the capital Malakal. ...

  2. Women trained to participate in politics

    29 November 2011 24 November 2011 - More than 50 women began a three-day training session in participation and representation in political processes today in the Western Bahr-El Ghazal capital Wau.

  3. South Sudanese trained in aviation fire and rescue

    9 March 2012... – To enhance protection of air operations in the country, UNMISS is currently conducting introductory aviation fire and rescue training ...

  4. County administrators trained in Malakal

    11 April 2012 10 April 2012 - A four-week training course for state administrative officers drawn from the 13 counties of Upper Nile State kicked off today in the capital Malakal.

  5. Traditional leaders trained in conflict resolution

    22 May 2012 19 May 2012 - To reduce tensions and build peace in Upper Nile State, the Council of Traditional Authority Leaders (COTAL) concluded a three-day workshop today in the capital Malakal on managing co

  6. Unity police trained in criminal investigation

    7 February 2013 6 February 2013 - Assisting to build the skills of South Sudan National Police Service officers, UN Police today completed a month-long criminal investigation course for 25 force members in the Uni

  7. SPLA soldiers in Jonglei trained on child protection

    18 April 2013 17 April 2013 – A total of 68 children associated with armed forces in Jonglei state have been demobilized and reunited with their families since 2010, according to Abraham Atem of the South Sudan

  8. Malakal prisons officers trained in lab techniques

    23 April 2013... inmates in Upper Nile State's prisons, staff members of the UNMISS Indian Battalion hospital concluded a training course for corrections of ...

  9. Upper Nile media trained in child rights

    7 June 2013 5 June 2013 - Aiming to increase journalists' knowledge of ethics when reporting on children, UNICEF organized a two-day workshop that ended today in Upper Nile State.

  10. Special courts officials trained in Bentiu

    1 July 2013 29 June 2013 – The appointment of judges drawn from the country's formal justice system to preside over two recently established special courts in Unity State will improve the rule of law, the stat
