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  1. Sexual exploitation and abuse campaign launched in Yambio

    27 October 2014... 23 October 2014 - Chiefs in Western Equatoria would take serious measures against anyone abusing the rights of women and girls, a state official said in the capital Yam ...

  2. Morobo County residents call on armed forces to unite to protect civilians

    1 July 2022 UNMISS representatives recently held meetings in the counties of Morobo and Yei ... protection of civilians. Photo: Taban Geofrey Koma Alfred/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA - People in Morobo County, south of South Sudan’s capital Juba, ...

  3. UNMISS supports reconciliation process to enable displaced to return to Tambura

    15 July 2022... to resume their normal lives. Photos: Denis Louro Oliver/UNMISS WESTERN EQUATORIA- In recent times, the citizens of the green fertile land of greater ...

  4. UNMISS-funded bore holes expected to end intercommunal hostilities in Kwerjik Luri

    21 July 2022... were handed over to the local community. Photos: Moses Pasi/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA- Water is life, our planet, as we know it, is mostly water and yet ...

  5. Police in Tambura learn new skills from UN colleagues

    28 November 2022... agents at a recent training were men. Photos: Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS WESTERN EQUATORIA- Knowledge of how to investigate crimes is desirable for ...

  6. Internally displaced persons face challenges upon returning to their homes in Tambura

    29 January 2023... homes in villages around Tambura. Photos: Denis Louro Oliver/UNMISS WESTERN EQUATORIA- A steady stream of spontaneous returnees has been making its way ...

  7. UNMISS training of trainers a step towards sustainable capacity building of national police service

    2 February 2023 Police officers serving with UNMISS are conducting trainings of trainers to enable the South Sudan National ... James Sokiri/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA – Building the institutional capacity of vital entities in the ...

  8. Women in Raso Olo shall soon give birth at UNMISS-funded maternity ward

    8 February 2023 Residents in Raso Olo, Western Equatoria, often feel marginalized. UNMISS is funding the ongoing construction of a maternity ward to reduce ...

  9. Joyous event in Juba injects fresh push for peace, encourages inclusive constitution making process

    16 March 2023 Lots of rejoicing took place when UNMISS organized festive event under the theme The Revitalized Peace Agreement ... James Sokiri/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA – It was an event in Juba that had it all: Participants ...

  10. One fuel-efficient Rwandan stove, several solutions and lots of food for Korok West Village residents

    25 April 2023... Women and men in Juba's Korok West Village, guided by UNMISS peacekeepers from Rwanda, plant vegetables and learn how to use ... Moses Pasi/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA – What is the link between, and partial solution to ...
