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  1. Kuajok school teachers trained in human rights

    19 July 2013... 18 July 2013 - In line with South Sudan's plans to integrate human rights education in school curricula, UNMISS concluded a two-day training for secondary school teachers in the Warrap ...

  2. SPLA trained in command, military justice in Malakal

    28 August 2013... Army (SPLA) transform itself into a professional force, UNMISS held a one-day workshop on command responsibility and the administ ...

  3. Traditional chiefs trained in human rights in Malakal

    17 October 2013... 17 October 2013 - To boost awareness of human rights among customary leaders, UNMISS held a workshop in partnership with the Upper Nile government for 35 ...

  4. SPLA commanders trained in child protection

    28 November 2013... eliminate young people from South Sudanese military ranks, UNMISS concluded a two-day workshop on child protection today in Malakal, Upper ...

  5. Aweil SPLA officers trained in protecting civilians

    6 December 2013 5 December 2013 - Enhancing their skills as national army officers, senior members of the South Sudanese military completed a protection of civilians training today in

  6. Warrap police trained in crime investigation

    8 April 2014 8 April 2014 - By training and logistically supporting South Sudanese police, UN Police (UNPOL) was making a key contribution to sustainable peace, Warrap State Deputy Commissioner of Police said r

  7. IDPs in Bentiu trained to help traumatized people

    12 May 2014... number of traumatized people seeking shelter at the UNMISS base in the Unity State capital Bentiu, 32 of the displaced today ...

  8. Warrap RRC staff trained in leadership skills

    3 June 2014 3 June 2014 - To enhance their leadership skills, UN agencies in Warrap State today began training 35 Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) staff in the state capital Kuajok.

  9. Rumbek police trained to protect vulnerable groups

    17 June 2014... 16 June 2014 - In line with new UNMISS mandate which emphasizes protection of civilians, a training course for ...

  10. Malakal displaced community leaders trained in human rights

    18 February 2015... Seeking to empower community leaders in its protection area, UNMISS in the Upper Nile State capital Malakal today concluded a two-day human rights training. ...
