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  1. CAD trains Bentiu youths on conflict management

    19 September 2016... Bentiu Protection of Civilians (PoC) site participated in an UNMISS-led workshop on how to foster inter-communal dialogue, unity and ...

  2. CAD supports counseling and conflict management workshop in Yirol

    30 September 2016... The Catholic Diocese of Rumbek with support from UNMISS Civil Affairs Division (CAD) has held a three-day training for thirty teachers ...

  3. Chiefs join UNMISS in rallied call for peace

    14 October 2016 Chiefs join UNMISS in rallied call for peace at a meeting at UN House, Juba. ...

  4. Jubek officials receive conflict resolution training

    14 November 2016... conflict resolution training The UNMISS Civil Affairs Division and Jubek State authorities recently convened a two-day ...

  5. UNMISS CAD trains members of Parliament on the conduct of legislative business

    22 November 2016 UNMISS CAD trains members of Parliament on the conduct of legislative business ... In order to enhance rule of law and good governance, the Civil Affairs Division (CAD) of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan ...

  6. The Secretary-General -- Remarks at Security Council Session on South Sudan New York, 19 December 2016

    20 December 2016 The Secretary-General  --  Remarks at Security Council Session on South Sudan  New York, 19 December 2016 The Secretary-General -- Remarks at Security Council Session on South Sudan

  7. UNMISS official in Bentiu: Peace dialogue initiatives at local level crucial for reconciliation

    3 February 2017 The UNMISS Civil Affairs Division on Wednesday 1 February facilitated a ...

  8. UNMISS Patrols rescue seven civilians in Yei

    14 March 2017... serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan – UNMISS, have rescued seven civil personnel ...

  9. UNMISS Malakal facilitates mini dialogue between IDPs and local leaders from outside the camp

    19 March 2017 UNMISS Malakal facilitates mini dialogue between IDPs and local leaders from ... between communities. On 16 March, UNMISS Civil Affairs Division (CAD) and Communications and Public Information Section ...

  10. Organized Forces in Torit pledge to uphold human rights principles

    4 October 2018... of the organized forces in Torit have pledged to promote human rights to fulfill their responsibility of protecting and serving their local ...
