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  1. Unity State benefits from UN security projects

    18 July 2013... State completed radio communication training today at the UNMISS compound in the state capital Bentiu. ...

  2. Aweil police start training in traffic management

    11 November 2013 11 November 2013 - UN police advisors today launched a training course in traffic management for South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) officers in the Northern Bahr El-Ghazal state capital Aw

  3. Livestock patrol training

    14 November 2013 A third batch of 38 South Sudan National Police Service officers completed an eight-week course in livestock patrol tactics given by UN Police in Malau, Jonglei State, on 13 November, bringing the

  4. UNMISS DDR graduates first group of Weapons Marking Operators

    27 November 2013 Juba, 27 November 2013 - UNMISS DDR is continuing to support the South Sudan Bureau for Community ...

  5. UN launches counseling centers for GBV survivors in Bor

    29 November 2013 28 November 2013 - To assist survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) launched two health and counseling centres in a ceremony to

  6. First class of weapons markers graduate in Juba

    30 November 2013 29 November 2013 - Firearms control was vital in keeping a country stable and preventing it from descending into chaos, a top UN Police official said today in Juba at t

  7. SSNPS officers complete specialized training in Juba

    5 December 2013 4 December 2013 - UNMISS and the South Sudanese government had shifted from basic to more ...

  8. Fighting, rains disrupt education efforts in Bentiu

    8 May 2014... of displaced children attending primary school at the UNMISS base in Bentiu, Unity State capital, a UNICEF official said ...

  9. UNMISS engineers building river bank to protect Bor residents

    23 June 2014... of civilians in the Jonglei State capital Bor, the UNMISS Korean Engineering Company are building an embankment along the River ...

  10. NGO hands over emergency schools to Bentiu town

    2 December 2015 To provide education for children who lost access to school facilities as a result of conflict, a local non-governmental organization (NGO) handed over temporary learning spaces to the government i
