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  1. UNPOL officers from UNMISS train South Sudanese counterparts on crime scene management 

    17 August 2021... police officers in Northern Bahr El Ghazal were recently trained by UNPOL in proper crime scene management techniques. Photo by Achirin Achirin/UNMISS. 25 officers from the South Sudan National ...

  2. Indian peacekeepers in Malakal teach youth carpentry, welding, masonry and more

    15 September 2021... skills by Indian peacekeepers. Photos: Samuel Adwok/UNMISS Masonry, carpentry, welding, electrical ... need a hand with, at least one of the forty Malakal youth trained for ten days by Indian p ...

  3. UNMISS trains members of South Sudan’s forces in Pochalla on upholding child rights

    1 October 2021 UNMISS Child Protection recently trained 50 participants, including community ... officers, in Pochalla, Greater Pibor, on upholding child rights. Photo by Gideon Sackitey/UNMISS. ...

  4. UNMISS peacekeepers from Bangladesh train midwives in Wau

    10 December 2021 UNMISS peacekeepers from Bangladesh partnered with Wau Teaching Hospital to ... to reduce maternal mortality rates. Photo by Michael Wondi/UNMISS WAU – Midwives are an essential part ...

  5. Waste not, want not: Indian peacekeepers tackle plastic pollution through innovative upcycling

    1 April 2022... From vertical gardens to bolstering security of UNMISS personnel, Indian peacekeepers from the UNMISS Petroleum Platoon have found multiple, innovative ways to upcycle used ...

  6. Capacity building gives police officers in Bor new skills to deal with gender-based violence

    27 April 2022 Half of the police officers in Bor trained on how to handle incidents of gender-based violence were women. Photos: Mach Samuel/UNMISS Gender-based violence, often of a sexual ...

  7. International Day of UN Volunteers: Diane Umuhoza, Rwanda

    5 December 2022... her 12-year experience as a laboratory technician to ensure UNMISS peacekeepers are in peak physical condition to protect civilians and help build a durable peace. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS WARRAP – Diane Umuhoza is an ...

  8. UNMISS peacekeepers help farmers in Agok increase food security by teaching agricultural skills

    24 August 2023... and agricultural know-how. Chinese peacekeepers serving with UNMISS have provided people in Wau County with both. Photos: Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS WESTERN BAHR EL GHAZAL – While South ...

  9. UNMISS trains journalists and police on ethical reporting on gender-based violence

    20 December 2023 UN Police serving with UNMISS in Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area has held a training ... on incidents of gender-based violence. Photos by Mach Samuel/UNMISS. JONGLEI/GREATER PIBOR – Survivors of ...

  10. Solar powered installations handed over by UNMISS aim to energize justice actors

    6 June 2023... up court proceedings, thanks to a green energy handover by UNMISS that will help combat frequent power outages in court houses through solar-powered electricity. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS WESTERN BAHR EL GHAZAL - Strong justice ...
