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  1. UNMISS overcomes huge logistical challenges to reach vulnerable communities in Romich on Human Rights Day

    14 December 2021 UNMISS peacekeepers finally reach conflict-affected Romich village by road to assess the security situation and commemorate Human Rights Day with the local community For the ...

  2. Leadership

    13 March 2015... Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of UNMISS ...

  3. The Secretary-General -- Message for the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action 4 April 2017 (English and French)

    4 April 2017 UNMAS providing Mine Risk Education in Bentiu. Photo: UNMAS/Martine Perret (Scroll down for French version) In today’s world, conflicts are multiplying and increasingly interlinked.

  4. Slow implementation of peace agreement, lack of basic services impeding returns in opposition-controlled areas of Wau

    21 February 2019 Issues impeding voluntary returns in opposition-controlled areas of Wau have been raised at a one-day round-table discussion that brought together the leadership of the Sudan People’s Liberation Ar

  5. A little boy's letter to the president: ‘I want a country where there is peace and harmony’

    18 February 2019 Solomon Atem Akech nearly lost the opportunity to deliver an important item – a neatly folded letter, addressed to the president of South Sudan – because no one had invited him to ...

  6. Indian veterinarians launch ‘Treat and Educate” campaign in Melut

    24 November 2017 Indian veterinarians launch ‘Treat and Educate” campaign in Melut Farmers raising livestock in the Upper Nile region have been provided with much-needed veterinary aid and training by a team from the Indian ...

  7. 'We are different tribes but one people,' say speakers at an UNMISS forum

    12 December 2018... of Science and Technology listen attentively at an UNMISS forum on identity “If I take ...

  8. A peacekeeper and a leader: Unaisi Bolatolu-Vuniwaqa, UNMISS Police Commissioner

    6 October 2021 UNMISS' first-ever woman Police Commissioner, Unaisi Bolatolu-Vuniwaqa, ends ...

  9. UNMISS conducts outreach campaign for reconciliation and unity in Western Equatorian counties

    1 February 2022 Ibba County in Western Equatoria State was one of the places visited during a recent campaign for ... Oliver/Phillip Mbugo WESTERN EQUATORIA - Promoting reconciliation, unity and peaceful coexistence of ...

  10. UNMISS donates drugs, blood to Aweil hospital

    5 June 2014... of activities to commemorate International Peacekeepers Day, UNMISS in Northern Bahr El-Ghazal State today donated various items to Aweil Civil Hospital. ...
