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  1. Dialogue would curb cattle raids in Upper Nile, officials say

    3 July 2013 1 July 2013 - Civilian disarmament and inter-communal dialogue would play an important role in curbing cattle raids and inter-communal violence, Baliet County officials in Upper Nile State said tod

  2. To boost rule of law, UNMISS hands over police post in Mugwo

    29 September 2023 In Mugwo, an UNMISS-funded police post has given hope to community members that crimes will reduce and prosperity, flourish. Photo by James Sokiri/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA - “The absence of law enforcement personnel in our area has led to ...

  3. Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Nicholas Haysom's remarks on International Day of UN Peacekeepers

    29 May 2023... UN Peacekeepers at UN House in Juba. Photo by Gregorio Cunha/UNMISS [AS DELIVERED] ...

  4. UNMISS provides face masks to prevent COVID-19 in bustling Yambio markets

    26 June 2020 Face masks donated by UNMISS makes it possible for people in Yambio to go about their lives and make ...

  5. Campaign to prevent sexual abuse held in Bor

    13 November 2014... which is punishable by law and should not be tolerated, UNMISS Jonglei State Coordinator Hazel de Wet stressed in the state ca ...

  6. 150 people build skills through an UNMISS-supported vocational training in Melut, Upper Nile

    11 July 2023 An UNMISS-supported vocational training in Melut, Upper Nile, creates hope for ... chance to build thriving careers. Photo by Samuel Adwok Deng/UNMISS. UPPER NILE - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), in support of local communities, is building capacities across South ...

  7. Displaced in Yambio receive first food aid

    12 May 2014... May 2014 - For the first time since arriving in the Western Equatoria State capital Yambio, displaced people who had fled violence in the ...

  8. Thousands gather for sport for peace tournament in Warrap State

    24 June 2021... for peace tournament in Warrap State. Photos: Manyang Mayom/UNMISS Sports unite, they say. Football, the ...

  9. Political parties in Aweil reiterate commitment to jointly implement revitalized peace agreement

    3 December 2020 Representatives from twelve political parties gathered in Aweil to discuss how to promote cooperation, social cohesion and national identity. Representatives from twelve different political parties in N...

  10. UNMISS hands over food, firewood to Yambio IDPs

    24 March 2014... the needs of displaced people who fled conflict for Western Equatoria State, UNMISS handed over food and other materials today in the capita ...
