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  1. Rural women in Eastern Equatoria State establish peace committee to address local conflicts

    17 December 2020... More than 50 women from five villages in Eastern Equatoria State have decided to establish a peace committee to deal with local ...

  2. Military commanders in Eastern Equatoria recommit to preventing all violations of child rights

    25 October 2021 South Sudanese military commanders in Eastern Equatoria renew their pledge to end all violations of child rights at a joint ...

  3. Rural Community school in Eastern Equatoria State receives new classrooms

    8 September 2021... Happy times as children in a rural community in Eastern Equatoria State receive three new classrooms for their school. Photos: Okello ...

  4. UNMISS and partners support members of clergy to reconcile disputing politicians in Eastern Equatoria State

    30 June 2021... being protected by an UNMISS convoy as they travel around Eastern Equatoria State. Photos: Moses Yakudu/UNMISS ...

  5. Arrival of Nepalese peacekeepers in Torit strengthens UN presence across Eastern Equatoria

    18 December 2017... peacekeepers in Torit strengthens UN presence across Eastern Equatoria The arrival of 150 Nepalese peacekeepers in ...

  6. Troubles in Eastern Equatoria spur push for regional dialogue

    29 September 2019... Martin Lorikai is a local chief in the village of Magos, Eastern Equatoria. He and his people are descendants of the Toposa, one of more than 60 ...

  7. Police learning to farm in Eastern Equatoria

    2 September 2013... 31 August 2013- To increase food supplies in Eastern Equatoria, UN Police (UNPOL) and South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) ...

  8. Residents abandon homes over continued presence of pastoralists in Eastern Equatoria

    13 February 2020... West Residents of a community in the Eastern Equatorian region of South Sudan have temporarily abandoned their homes ...

  9. Dual threats addressed as UN Mine Action Service visits sites in Eastern and Central Equatoria

    18 January 2021... by the UN Mine Action Service during a field visit to Amee, Eastern Equatoria. Photo: Isaac Billy/UNMISS While the jury ...

  10. Eastern Equatoria celebrates International Youth Day

    12 August 2013... had a vital role to play in South Sudan's future, a senior UNMISS official said today during a ceremony to mark International Youth Day in Eastern Equatoria State. ...
