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  1. Women in Malakal seek elimination of sexual violence in conflict

    24 June 2018 “Some women here are coming into Malakal town for the first time!”

  2. UNMISS celebrates UN Day in schools

    26 October 2011... and learning activities over the past few days in Central Equatoria, Western Bahr el Gha ...

  3. Statement by United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson at the World Humanitarian Day event in New York (19 August 2016).

    20 August 2016 Jan Eliassonn Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations. UN File Photo Distinguished participants and performers, Dear Friends,

  4. UNPOL officers from UNMISS build capacities among local counterparts in Kuajok

    3 June 2023... policing standards, thanks to impactful capacity-building by UNMISS. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS WARRAP - "As police, we are supposed to ...

  5. Kajo Keji holds forum to end county divisions

    13 February 2012... 2012 – Divisions among people in Kajo Keji County, Central Equatoria State, stemmed back to misunderstandings during the 2010 election ...

  6. South Sudan Police to digitize personnel records

    14 February 2012... 2012 - As part of South Sudan Police Services (SSPS) reform, UNMISS and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) have begun a nation-wide ...

  7. Peace mobilizers in Yambio learn their rights

    15 May 2014... 14 May 2014 - Seeking to encourage peace in South Sudan, UNMISS and the Peace and Justice Commission held a one-day training in basic human and environmental rights in Yambio, Western Equatoria Sta ...

  8. SPLM trains members for new party registration

    20 May 2014... of Sudan People’s Liberation (SPLM) members, Western Equatoria State in corroboration with the Juba SPLM Secreta ...

  9. Prison officers learn new skills in Yambio

    2 June 2014 30 May 2014 - To promote human rights and respect for prisoners, UNMISS held a 10-day intensive training course for some prison officers in the Western Equatoria capita ...

  10. Maridi and Ibba counties learn to protect and promote human rights

    10 October 2014... ensure protection and promotion of human rights in Western Equatoria State, UNMISS today held a training workshops today in Maridi and Ibba countie ...
