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  1. WFP contracts farmers in Yambio to supply 70 metric tons of maize

    14 September 2016... Sudan has contracted a farmers’ association in Western Equatoria’s Yambio County to supply seventy metric tons of maize grain this ...

  2. From trees to desks: A newly constructed school in Yambio provides education to over 500 children

    8 August 2018... Over 500 children in Yambio in Western Equatoria now have access to learning facilities following the opening of a new ...

  3. Violence against civilians in South Sudan reduced significantly in 2021

    17 February 2022 Juba, 17 February 2022: Violence against civilians saw a 42 per cent reduction in 2021 compared with the previous year according to a new report released

  4. Leaders urge farming as South Sudanese states celebrate independence

    10 July 2012 9 July 2012 - Many officials urged people to farm the land, as South Sudanese states celebrated the country'sfirst independence anniversary withmarches, colourful dances and speeches.

  5. “Run for Peace” event held in Yambio

    24 July 2014... 23 July 2014 - To promote peace in Western Equatoria State, UNMISS today organized a sports competition in the state capital Yambio. ...

  6. South Sudan’s Youths stepping up action for Peace

    1 September 2016 The pupils who spoke with Radio Miraya said they lack exercise books, pens and pencils plus text books. Voice of Children ARABIC……………………………………………………………………………….VC

  7. Agencies say expected cholera cases could double

    27 May 2014 27 May 2014 - The number of suspected cholera cases in Juba has risen to over 670 with 23 deaths, leading health officials to double their estimates of people who could

  8. UNMISS trains prison officer recruits in Yambio

    30 November 2011... to build up national capacity in South Sudanese prisons, UNMISS Corrections Advisory Section and Human Rights Office in Yambio, Western Equatoria State, ha ...

  9. UNPOL chief concludes visit to three states

    22 May 2015 20 May 2015 - UNMISS Police Commissioner Fred Yiga today visited the Western Equatoria State capital Yambio, on his last leg of a trip to three states in ...

  10. UNMISS commemorates Human Rights Day

    10 December 2014... - South Sudanese leaders should take a strong stand against human rights abusers and let them know that impunity will not be tolerated, UNMISS chief Ellen Loej said today in Juba a ...
