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  1. Displaced women in Bor: “We fought for South Sudanese independence, we are one people”

    17 December 2018 Women belonging to various ethnic groups got together in Bor for a workshop on the importance of national identity. “We were all in the bush together. We all fought for the liberation and independence of Sout...

  2. Women in Warrap learn how to turn cow dung into charcoal

    21 January 2019 Plentiful cow dung may soon be turned into charcoal, with many positive spin-off effects. Cattle feces may not be very appealing, yet they can, in fact, be highly useful. Just ask a group of hundred women in ...

  3. UNMISS peacekeepers give refugees confidence to return to Akobo

    25 January 2019... Juol Chan fled her home two years ago to escape the violent civil war in South Sudan, seeking sanctuary in a refugee camp in nearby ...

  4. Women in Bahr el Ghazal call for proper representation in government

    18 February 2019... Women leaders participating in a two-day interactive forum. UNMISS Photo/Manyang Mayom Women leaders representing ...

  5. Renewed hope for peaceful coexistence between James Diko community and SPLA-IO after dialogue

    20 March 2019 A one-day peacebuilding dialogue concluded early this week in Gbudue area’s Bangasu County, bringing together some one hundred members of the James Diko community and the Sudan People’s Liberation

  6. Displaced families deserve to realise their dream of returning home – UNMISS chief

    27 March 2019... site in Bor on 8 November, 2018. When civil war broke out in South Sudan, thousands of families fled their homes and ...

  7. A tale of two women: Reaching across the political divide to push for peace in Yei

    18 April 2019 “We are tired. We are losing our husbands, we are losing our children.

  8. Displaced families receive a joyous welcome home after leaving UN protection site

    7 June 2019 As the sun begins to rise over the sea of white tents dotted throughout the United Nations protection camp, a group of families are already up and about, bustling around as they pack their belongin

  9. Residents of Anyidi town and internally displaced persons in Bor reconcile after years of conflict

    11 June 2019 After years of tensions, residents of Anyidi and the community of internally displaced persons staying at the UN protection site in Bor have agreed to put their differences aside and coexist peacef

  10. Inauguration of new bishop in Upper Nile region ups prospects for peace, reconciliation and social cohesion

    1 August 2019
