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  1. Peace on a bicycle: Travel between villages made easier for peacemakers in Eastern Equatoria

    21 March 2019 It is not every day that a bicycle is viewed as an important tool for building peace, but in some remote and hard-to-reach areas of South Sudan, like Lopa, Ikotos, Torit East, Kidepo Valley, Chukud

  2. Military commanders in Eastern Equatoria address conflict-related sexual violence

    9 April 2019... Ensuring respect for international human rights and international humanitarian laws at all times and by all soldiers now ...

  3. Kuron: The Eastern Equatoria peace village that keeps growing, promoting smooth co-existence

    18 July 2019... Children in the designated Peace Village of Kuron in Eastern Equatoria enjoy their primary school. “I want the ...

  4. Human rights training provided to opposition officers in Eastern Equatoria

    2 October 2019

  5. Flood-affected families in Eastern Equatoria decry risk of diseases and food shortages

    31 October 2019

  6. Rural women in Eastern Equatoria call for an end to gender-based violence

    3 December 2019 Women from rural areas in Eastern Equatoria aired their concerns about wide-spread impunity for incidents of ...

  7. Police officers in Eastern Equatoria receive UNMISS-led training on human rights

    18 March 2020 Police officers in Eastern Equatoria learning about human rights laws and principles. Fifty officers serving ...

  8. School activities resume as displaced return to Gunyoro in Eastern Equatoria

    18 March 2020... than 190 children returning to Gunyoro village near Torit in Eastern Equatoria have resumed school activities, albeit under difficult circumstances. ...

  9. Women in Eastern Equatoria State determined to participate more in politics and peace building

    10 December 2020 Women in Eastern Equatoria State are determined to gain more political influence by more ...

  10. UNMISS pursues lasting peace for the people of Keyala in Eastern Equatoria State

    18 December 2020 Residents in the Keyala area have been badly affected by intercommunal conflicts, bringing the once bustling town to a near standstill. “I feel worn out. I am tired of these persistent conflicts, the ca...
