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  1. Statement on the 11th Anniversary of South Sudan’s Independence from the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS, Nicholas Haysom

    8 July 2022 Juba, 8 July 2022: As South Sudan commemorates 11 years of independence, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan

  2. Improved access to information as UNMISS funds renovation of Bentiu radio station

    17 July 2022... for the handing over of a radio station renovated by UNMISS to the Unity State government. Photos: Luk Riek Nyak/UNMISS ... In December 2013, when South Sudan became engulfed in civil war, one of the first casualties was Bentiu 99.0 FM, a radio station that ...

  3. Following reduced donor funding and climate shocks, UNMISS Deputy Chief visits Bor to assess humanitarian situation

    18 August 2022... has left displaced communities in Bor worried about hunger. UNMISS Deputy Special Representative and Resident & Humanitarian ... JONGLEI - Repeated cycles of civil war have devastated communities the world’s newest nation, South Sudan, ...

  4. Chiefs in Bahr El Ghazal gathered at conference on bridging gap between traditional and formal justice

    3 October 2022 UNMISS gathered traditional leaders from all four states of the Bahr El Ghazal ... of formal and informal authorities. Photo: Michael Wondi/UNMISS BAHR EL GHAZAL- In ...

  5. Giving back, building hope: UN family hands over necessary items to Agok Leprosy Centre

    27 October 2022... kindness - the UN Country Team in South Sudan teams up with UNMISS peacekeepers from Bangladesh and China to hand over much-needed items to ... in Wau, Western Bahr El Ghazal. Photo by Alahayi Nemaya/UNMISS WESTERN BAHR EL GHAZAL:  As the United ...

  6. UNMISS engineers from South Korea rehabilitate airstrip, build dykes to combat flooding

    2 November 2022... change is real and has hit South Sudan hard. In Jonglei, UNMISS engineers from South Korea are doing all they can to ensure local ...

  7. Children in Ngolembo receive a boost to their education, thanks to UNMISS

    4 November 2022... no longer need to attend classes under trees. Thanks to an UNMISS intervention, the primary school in the area has been rehabilitated with ... WESTERN BAHR EL GHAZAL – Repeated civil wars and intercommunal conflict have affected generations of children in ...

  8. Roads for Peace: UNMISS begins rehabilitating 300 km route connecting Jonglei and Greater Pibor

    21 November 2022 South Korean engineers serving with UNMISS are currently rehabilitating a 308-kilometer stretch connecting ... growth, but above all building peace. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS. JONGLEI – When South Sudan gained ...

  9. UNMISS supports graduation of forces in Malakal, Upper Nile

    22 November 2022... the Revitalized Peace Agreement. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS UPPER NILE/JUBA - Usually cloudy ...

  10. Statement by Mr. Guang Cong, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General/Political at the 27th RJMEC Plenary Meeting [As delivered]

    2 March 2023 RJMEC Chair, Excellencies and Distinguished Guests,
