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  1. South Sudan’s Children: “Our Hope is in Reading and Writing”

    8 September 2016 South Sudan’s Children: “Our Hope is in Reading and Writing” The young and innocent minds of the children of South Sudan are looking to reading and writing as their hope for the future.   

  2. At a colourful peace rally in Aweil, UNMISS urges commitment to the revitalised peace agreement

    21 January 2019... <a href=" ... The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Head of Office in Aweil, Ataklti Hagege Hailu has urged the ...

  3. New roadmap needed for Jonglei peace, UN envoy says

    21 February 2013... solution for ending conflict in Jonglei State, the head of UNMISS said in Pibor today. ...

  4. UNMISS Head Urges International Community to show “Unity of Purpose” in Supporting Peace in South Sudan

    26 September 2017 UNMISS Head Urges International Community to show “Unity of Purpose” in ...

  5. UNMISS peacekeeping patrol investigates intercommunal clashes in Jonglei

    20 May 2020 A patrol of military and civilian peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has reached communities in Pieri, in northern Jonglei, w

  6. UNMISS quick impact prison renovation project creates jobs for women in Wau

    3 April 2021... Almost 50 women in Wau are currently working on an UNMISS-funded project to expand and renovate the town's prison. Photos: Alahayi Nemaya/UNMISS When the United Nations Mission in South ...

  7. German Foreign Affairs Minister Visits UN Base in South Sudan

    10 August 2017 German Foreign Affairs Minister Visits UN Base in South Sudan The Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan, David Shearer, has expressed his gratitude to Germany’s Federal Minister for Foreign Affair...

  8. Briefing to the UN Security Council by the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for South Sudan, Nicholas Haysom

    15 September 2021 [AS DELIVERED] Mr. President,

  9. Ministry of Health declares end of cholera outbreak in South Sudan

    3 November 2015 The Government of South Sudan announced today that the cholera outbreak which hit the country five months ago has been controlled.

  10. UNMISS hands over much-needed water point to border communities in Aweil

    15 May 2023... In a bid to mitigate longstanding source of conflict, UNMISS, as part of its Quick Impact Projects programme, drills a solar-powered borehole in Pau-Adhot. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS NORTHERN BAHR EL GHAZAL – Shared borders ...
