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  1. Trade thriving at border town between Sudan and its conflict-affected neighbour as security improves

    29 November 2018 As the United Nations plane heads towards the town of Renk, the pilot informs all those on board that he needs to do a quick flyover of the airstrip to ensure it is in good enough shape to accommod ...

  2. Interior minister assesses security in Lakes State

    25 January 2012 19 January 2012 – In a continuing effort to assess security in South Sudan, national Minister of Interior Alison Manana Magaya visited the Lakes State capital of Rumbek today.

  3. New church within UNMISS PoC site in Malakal promotes peace between communities

    9 August 2016... participated in the inauguration of a new church within the UNMISS Protection of Civilians site in Malakal. A new church, Dolieb Hill, has been built inside the UNMISS Protection of Civilians (PoC) site in Malakal. ...

  4. Refugees continue to arrive in Maban, Upper Nile

    25 January 2012 23 January 2012 - Fleeing fighting and recent bombing in Sudan's nearby Blue Nile State, hundreds of refugees have arrived in the South Sudanese county of Maban in Upper Nile State.

  5. Progress made in fighting gender-based violence in Jonglei as some men join the cause

    29 November 2019 The role of men in fighting gender-based violence was highlighted at this event in Bor, including by a group of men volunteering to support the cause. Anyone familiar with South Sudan’s patriarchal traditions...

  6. Manyo County calm, but authorities on alert

    8 December 2011 6 December 2011 – Following conflicts over the past few months between rebel militia groups (RMGs) and the South Sudanese military, the security situation was now calm in Manyo County, Upper Nile S

  7. Remarks on the International Day of UN Peacekeepers by Mr. Moustapha Soumaré Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General

    29 May 2019 Honourable Minister; Excellencies; Members of the diplomatic community;

  8. “Everything begins with education”—Sophia Piath Martin, Plumber, South Sudan

    3 March 2022 LAKES – Sophia Piath Martin is a 27-year-old woman from South Sudan with an unusual profession—she is a plumber with the United Nations Mission i

  9. Unity State starts forums for women empowerment

    27 September 2013... will also require preparing them for leadership positions, UNMISS and the Unity State governm ...

  10. Jie and Murle communities undertake to bring anyone involved in buying and selling children to justice

    12 December 2019 A combined group of Kabirize women at the closing of Jie-Murle conference in Jebel Buma In July 2019, the Jie and Murle communities engaged in a bloody fight in Marua and other villages of South Sudan’s Boma ...
