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  1. UNMISS hands over a secure prison facility in Northern Bahr El Ghazal

    29 April 2021... can finally look forward to more humane treatment due to an UNMISS-facilitated construction of a brand-new prison facility. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS. Till recently, inmates of Wanyijok Prison, ...

  2. Plastic models, stones and mine risks

    14 November 2012... arrived at a South Sudanese cattle camp in Central Equatoria armed with flipcharts and plastic models of landmines. ...

  3. Bentiu-bound verification team vows to leave no stone unturned to remove children from armed forces

    16 May 2019 A joint verification team heading to Bentiu in search of children serving with armed forces. A joint team from South Sudan’s government and opposition forces has arrived in South Sudan’s northern town of Bent...

  4. An officer and a gentleman bids farewell: Lieutenant General Shailesh Tinaikar, UNMISS Force Commander

    21 January 2022... is no exception. Photos: Isaac Billy and Gregorio Cunha/UNMISS “My earliest memory is of standing in ...

  5. Inter-religious committee established to help resolve intercommunal conflicts in Greater Jonglei

    24 July 2019 Bishop John Jok, chairperson of a new inter-religious committee, addresses fellow clergies. In a bid to make the most of their arguably significant influence on the attitudes and behaviour of the South Sudane...

  6. “I want a world where all our daughters are treated as equals” – Caroline Waudo, Head, UNMISS Torit

    7 December 2020 Born and raised in Kenya, Caroline Waudo was raised by a pioneer—her mother, a respected primary school teacher was the first women to own and ride a bicycle in their community and an h

  7. ‘Cling to every little sign of hope’ – outgoing head of mission in South Sudan

    30 November 2016 ‘Cling to every little sign of hope’ – outgoing head of mission in South Sudan On 23 July 2014, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon announced the appointment of Ellen Margrethe Løj of Denmark as ...

  8. UN mission finances airport renovation in Unity

    16 February 2018 UN mission finances airport renovation in Unity The United Nations Mission in South Sudan is financing the renovation and expansion of the airstrip in Rubkona County in the Unity region.  When completed, the ...

  9. Trade thriving at border town between Sudan and its conflict-affected neighbour as security improves

    29 November 2018 As the United Nations plane heads towards the town of Renk, the pilot informs all those on board that he needs to do a quick flyover of the airstrip to ensure it is in good enough shape to accommod ...

  10. Briefing to the Security Council by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General David Shearer

    16 September 2020 David Shearer, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, briefs members of the Security Council on the situation in South Sudan. [AS DELIVERED]  
