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  1. UNMISS supports faith-based leaders bringing peace and hope to displaced families in Nagero

    17 December 2021 The UN peacekeeping helicopter circles over the small town of Nagero before gently touching down not far from a sea of makeshift shelters.

  2. UNMISS Deputy SRSG - Opening Remarks; High Level Dialogue on the National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security

    28 September 2016 Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, Eugene Owusu ‘Addressing impunity on sexual and gender-based violence in South Sudan’

  3. “Peace is an opportunity women must grab by the scruff of the neck” – Nancy Joseph, hairstylist, South Sudan

    9 March 2022 WARRAP STATE – “Since I was a child, I’ve wanted to become an engineer. Imagine how intriguing it would be to create things from scratch.

  4. Mobile court delivers long-awaited justice in Western Lakes

    25 September 2019

  5. Culture shines as UNMISS boosts trust, confidence and peaceful coexistence in Torit

    27 November 2018 More than ten cultural groups within the Torit municipal council area, religious leaders, artists and Youth Peace Ambassadors recently engaged in various activities aimed at engendering community c

  6. Some respite in Kong village as Mongolian peacekeepers provide much-needed medical services

    10 June 2019... serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) in the country’s ...

  7. UNMISS raises awareness on peace agreement deadlines, inclusion of traditional leaders, especially women, in political processes

    13 March 2023 At a two-day workshop facilitated by UNMISS in Northern Bahr El Ghazal for some 65 traditional leaders, spirited ... future for this young nation. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS NORTHERN BAHR EL GHAZAL – As South ...

  8. UNMISS peacekeepers in Cueibet continue to mitigate conflict and build confidence

    23 January 2021... region of South Sudan, Nepalese peacekeepers serving with UNMISS established a temporary operating base in November 2020 as part of a ...

  9. Empowerment through entrepreneurship: Marsa William

    27 November 2023... of owning a hair salon into a reality. Photo by Fares Aouadi/UNMISS. LAKES – In South Sudan, conflict ...

  10. Press release: Rape, gang-rape, and beheadings among human right violations documented in Leer, South Sudan

    25 April 2022... 25 April 2022: The UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) strongly condemns the widespread sexual vi ...
