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  1. Living her dreams: Captain Niyonsaba and fellow Rwandese peacekeepers receive UN medals

    30 September 2019

  2. UNMISS peacekeepers praised for reducing intercommunal tensions in Cueibet County

    17 December 2020 The presence of Nepalese UNMISS troops is credited with reducing tensions in Cueibet County, prone to ...

  3. UNMISS Juba celebrates Christmas at St. Thomas Primary School with “special guest from the East”

    25 December 2016 UNMISS Juba celebrates Christmas at St. Thomas Primary School with “special ...

  4. UNMISS Promotes Partnerships for Peace on the 76th International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

    29 May 2024  JUBA, 29 May 2024 - Almost 18,000 United Nations peacekeepers are working in partnership with the Government and people of South Sudan to help the world’s newes

  5. Female Rwandan police officers empower vulnerable women and children in UN protection site

    1 October 2018 Wearing heavy black vests and padding, the female members of the Rwandan Formed Police Unit swelter under the hot Juba sun as they prepare for their entry to the nearby United Nations Protection si

  6. Authorities in Warrap resolve to promote political dialogue, enhance service delivery during UNMISS forum

    22 July 2021... were the focus of a three-day retreat facilitated by UNMISS and RJMEC for executive members of the state government in Warrap. Photo by Peter Ring Ariik Kuol/UNMISS. Despite the promise of full ...

  7. UN peacekeepers support local football club to foster inter-ethnic cohesion in Rajaf

    20 July 2019... Thanks to engineering troops serving with UNMISS, the Peace Square in Jondoru village in Rajaf County can now be enjoyed ...

  8. South Sudanese states celebrate second independence anniversary

    9 July 2013 9 July 2013 - Hundreds of thousands of people in South Sudan's 10 states celebrated the country's second independence anniversary today with military parades, speeches, singing, dancing and sports.

  9. Human rights investigators rush to South Sudan’s Bentiu following spate of rapes

    5 December 2018 Women walk past a UN Armoured Personnel Carrier parked on a street in Bentiu. The UN has increased patrols to reinforce security in the area after some 150 women and girls reported rape and sexual assault. “O...

  10. Nepalese Formed Police Unit awarded UN Medal for service in South Sudan

    15 November 2017 Nepalese Formed Police Unit awarded UN Medal for service in South Sudan United Nations Medal parade ceremonies for UN Peacekeepers ending their tour of service are a common occasion in missions around the wor...
