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  1. Rwandese Battalion helps build new school

    2 October 2014... studying under tree at Kapuri Primary School, Central Equatoria State, where UNMISS Rwandese Battalion is building new school with local community. Photo: ...

  2. World Vision gives food to students in Maridi County

    7 October 2014... food to over 20 schools in Maridi Country, Western Equatoria State. ...

  3. Musicians join campaign to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse

    8 October 2014 8 October 2014 - Lending their voices to a national campaign, renowned South Sudanese musicians Beatrice Anthony and Emmanuel Lasu recently joined a drive to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse.

  4. Campaign to prevent sexual exploitation launched in Yei

    13 October 2014... a government official said today in Yei County, Central Equatoria State. ...

  5. 400,000 children drop out of school due to conflict

    17 October 2014... Boys riding to school in Western Equatoria State. According to aid agencies, an estimated 400,000 children in ...

  6. IDPS move to new sites on UNMISS bases

    21 October 2014 21 October 2014 - UNMISS had built new sites for about 28,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) ...

  7. Children help build school

    17 November 2014... Children at Kapuri School in Central Equatoria State helping to carry blocks for new school new school with UNMISS Rwandan battalion built with community. Photo: UNMISS / JC McIlwaine ...

  8. UNMISS hands over police post in Juba

    25 November 2014... encourage displaced people to return to their homes in Juba, UNMISS today handed over a police post to Central Equa ...

  9. Thousands of students learn UNMISS mandate

    26 November 2014... - Just weeks into a public education campaign on the role of UNMISS, the mission has reached some 2,500 secondary school students with its ...

  10. UNMISS Rwandans hand over Kapuri school to government

    10 February 2015... 2015 - To improve the learning environment at a Central Equatoria State school, the UNMISS Rwandan battalion today handed over newly constructed buildings to the ...
