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  1. IDPs in Yambio in need of assistance, NGO official says

    10 December 2015... of people displaced by insecurity in Yambio, Western Equatoria State was worsening, a humanitarian official said today. ...

  2. UNMISS holds peace forums to debate women’s difficulties

    8 December 2015... In tackling difficulties faced by women in South Sudan, UNMISS has been holding Open Peace Forums in state capitals across the country. ...

  3. UNMISS Indian Battalion completes Bentiu-Mayom road stretch renovation

    6 January 2016... operating under the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)  completed a road re ...

  4. UNMISS organizes “World Flavours” day in Juba

    5 March 2016 UNMISS and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports organized a cross-cultural event dubbed “UNMISS World Flavours” in Juba today. ...

  5. UNMISS Statement on Yei: Call for immediate cessation of hostilities.

    10 October 2016 UNMISS Statement on Yei: Call for immediate cessation of hostilities. UNMISS Statement on Yei: Call for immediate cessation of hostilities. ... attributable to the Principal Public Information Officer, UNMISS ...

  6. 9,000 IDPs get food aid from WFP

    1 November 2016 9,000 IDPs get food aid from WFP The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has delivered food to about nine -thousand internally displaced persons in Lainya County.  

  7. IDPs staying at former UNMISS Base in Yei call for genuine peace

    21 December 2016... displaced persons (IDPs) currently staying at a former UNMISS Base in Yei town are urging the government and the opposition to forge ...

  8. UN Security Council Condemns Fighting in South Sudan

    10 February 2017... fighting across South Sudan, particularly incidents in the Equatoria and Upper Nile regions of South Sudan and called on all parties ...

  9. UN Security Council Condemns Fighting in South Sudan

    10 February 2017... fighting across South Sudan, particularly incidents in the Equatoria and Upper Nile regions of South Sudan and called on all parties ...

  10. Security essential to reinvigorating bread basket of South Sudan (Statement Attributable to the Office of the Spokesperson United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Yambio, 23 February, 2017)

    23 February 2017 UNMISS chief David Shearer on his visit to Yambio on 22 February. ...
