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  1. More than 200 children released from armed groups in Yambio

    18 April 2018... expected to be released from different armed groups. Photo (UNMISS/Amanda Voisard) from a release ceremony in Yambio in February 2018. ...

  2. Hope and togetherness mark UN Day celebration in Juba

    24 October 2016... and togetherness mark UN Day celebration in Juba. Photo: UNMISS/Isaac Billy The UN family – UNMISS and the twenty UN agencies, funds and programmes  working in South ...

  3. UNMISS condemns attack on peacekeeping convoy in South Sudan

    15 September 2018  A Nepalese peacekeeper serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan was today shot and wounded by an SPLA soldier while travelling in a convoy in the town of Yei.

  4. World Humanitarian Day celebrated in Juba

    20 August 2015 19 August 2015 - Some 29 aid workers had been killed since South Sudan’s conflict began in 2013 and many more were missing, the UN’s top humanitarian official in the country said today in Juba.

  5. Juba’s Konyo-konyo turns into one-day market-place of ideas about peace

    14 October 2019... Teny, co-chair of the SDSRB confers with deputy head of UNMISS Moustapha Soumaré at a Neighbourhood Advocacy for Peace event in at ...

  6. Statement by Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, at the 18th RJMEC Meeting

    22 July 2021... Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS, Nicholas Haysom, opened the 18th plenary meeting of the Reconstituted ...

  7. Cambodian blue helmets arrive in South Sudan

    17 April 2012... 17 April 2012 - To further bolster UNMISS peacekeeping efforts in South Sudan, two Cambodian military companies ...

  8. UNMISS head and Jubek Governor discuss ways to build peace and security

    24 November 2017 UNMISS head and Jubek Governor discuss ways to build peace and security ...

  9. Statement of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General Mr. David Shearer Briefing to the United Nations Security Council on South Sudan

    8 March 2019 SRSG David Shearer briefs the UN Security Council on the situation in South Sudan. Madam President, Members of the Council

  10. Women in Amadi call for full implementation of 35% power-sharing policy

    16 April 2019 Women in South Sudan’s Amadi area have jointly called on the Government of South Sudan to fully implement the provision that guarantees 35% representation for women in the power-sharing arrangement
