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  1. UNMISS calls for enhanced partnership with state authorities in Yei

    31 May 2018... The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has called for continued collaboration between the Yei River area ...

  2. Yambio, Juba celebrate women’s day with IDP visits, songs and drama

    14 March 2014... take stock of what both sexes could do to achieve women’s rights in terms of peace and development, an UNMISS official said in Juba today. ...

  3. Statement by Mr. Nicholas Haysom Special Representative of the Secretary-General The 5th Governor’s Forum

    22 November 2021 Juba, 22 November 2021: It gives me great pleasure to join you during this opening session of the 5 th

  4. Security Council Visit to South Sudan Press Briefing - September 4 2016 Ambassador Samantha Power and Ambassador Fodé Seck

    5 September 2016 Security Council Visit to South Sudan Press Briefing - September 4 2016 Ambassador Samantha Power and Ambassador Fodé Seck Security Council Visit to South Sudan Press Briefing - September 4 2016 ...

  5. - Security Council Visit to South Sudan Press Briefing - September 4 2016 Ambassador Samantha Power and Ambassador Fodé

    5 September 2016 Security Council Visit to South Sudan Press Briefing - September 4 2016 Ambassador Samantha Power and Ambassador Fodé Seck Security Council Visit to South Sudan Press Briefing - September 4 2016 ...

  6. Conflict in South Sudan gone on too long, UNMISS Chief says

    15 December 2015 The conflict in South Sudan which broke out exactly two years ago has lasted much too long, the top UN official in the country, Ellen Loej, said in Juba today.

  7. - Media Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan Mr. David Shearer

    14 September 2017 Media Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan Mr. David Shearer Opening Remarks: Good morning and than...

  8. South Sudanese displaced by Kajo-Keji conflict receive aid items

    26 September 2014 25 September 2014 - Assisting South Sudanese uprooted by communal violence which started on 15 September at the country’s border with Uganda, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) began distributing relief

  9. South Sudan observes day for elimination of violence against women

    25 November 2015 Sexual violence against women in South Sudan had tripled since the conflict broke out in 2013, the head of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) in the country said in Juba today.

  10. Jonglei pastoralist: “These peacekeepers saved my cows”

    16 November 2018 Imagine living in a landlocked country, yet susceptible to succumbing to a calamitous, ocean-longing-inducing disease called East Coast fever.
