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  1. Western Equatoria students begin leaving exams

    21 January 2014... a bell today at Yabongo Primary School in the Western Equatoria capital Yambio, Governor Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro launched primary ...

  2. Western Equatoria launches “back to learning” campaign

    3 June 2015... - Targeting 40,000 children in need of schooling, Western Equatoria State today kicked off the national “back to learning” campaign ...

  3. Central Equatoria stakeholders agree on need for land rights reforms and conflict resolution

    1 July 2022... discussed at a workshop in Juba. Photos: James Sokiri/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA - “You live in a house which rests on land, and you will not live ...

  4. Western Equatoria governor backs federalism

    10 June 2014... in helping to avoid future tribal-related conflicts, Western Equatoria State Governor Colonel Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro said in the state ca ...

  5. Western Equatoria budget rises by 40 million pounds

    19 February 2014 19 February 2014 - Western Equatoria State unanimously passed an annual budget today of over 170 million ...

  6. “Education liberates women.” – Roda Sube, Gender Affairs Officer, UNMISS.

    26 November 2021 WARRAP - Roda Wasuk Primo Sube wears many hats.

  7. Business as usual in Western Equatoria

    27 December 2013... 2013 - Businesses were open and all was peaceful in Western Equatoria during the Christmas season, despite violent conflicts in other South ...

  8. UNDP concludes ICT training for Western Equatoria officials

    24 February 2012... 2012 – Attempting to close a technology gap in Western Equatoria State, the UN Development Program (UNDP) concluded a 10-day ...

  9. Conversation will pave the road to peace: open dialogue held in Lui Payam, Western Equatoria

    5 September 2019 Residents of Lui Payam in Western Equatoria showed up en masse to discuss peace building measures in their area. ...

  10. Foreign national asylum seekers relocated to Western Equatoria

    3 September 2015... today at Makpandu refugee settlement in Yambio, Western Equatoria State, from a UNMISS protection-of-civilians (PoC) site in Juba ...
