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  1. Central Equatoria SPLA commanders learn about human rights

    10 November 2011... an effort to sensitize South Sudanese security forces about human rights, gender and child protection, UNMISS held a workshop for Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) officers ...

  2. Western Equatoria launches volunteer road crew

    7 March 2012... existing routes and extend its limited road network, Western Equatoria State launched a volunteer "Road Maintenance Crew" today in the ...

  3. Western Equatoria a “green state”, DSRSG says

    17 October 2013 16 October 2013 - UNMISS had ranked Western Equatoria State a “green state” due to its stability and huge potential in ...

  4. Primary leaving exams in Yambio, Western Equatoria State

    21 January 2014... begin writing primary leaving exams in Yambio, Western Equatoria State. Photo: UNMISS/Phillip Mbugo ...

  5. School children in Western Equatoria

    6 August 2014... to school through the lush countryside of peaceful Western Equatoria State. Photo: UNMISS/JC Mcilwaine ...

  6. Cases of sexual abuse and early marriage rising in Western Equatoria

    4 March 2015... up on a daily basis at the police station in Yambio, Western Equatoria State, officers ...

  7. UNMISS hands over survivor safe house to Central Equatoria

    19 June 2015... to support and protect survivors of gender-based violence, UNMISS handed over a newly-constructed safe house to the Central Equatoria State government in Juba today. ...

  8. Delegation ends peace mission to Mundri, Western Equatoria State

    3 November 2015 Faith-based leaders in Western Equatoria State returned to the state capital Yambio today after completing a ...

  9. Western Equatoria youth graduate from vocational training

    1 December 2015... developmental activities, a training official in the Western Equatoria Sta ...

  10. Partnership with UN needed to reinvigorate “green stability” in Western Equatoria

    23 February 2017... They should be farming, but can't. The Western Equatoria part of South Sudan, known for and proud of its traditional ...
