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  1. UNMISS asked to assist reconciliation efforts between feuding communities in Nimule area

    4 August 2022... Photos: Moses Yakudu/UNMISS EASTERN EQUATORIA- Following a long period of unrest and violence between cattle ...

  2. Women leaders and peacekeepers brief UN Peace Chief on challenges of working for peace in South Sudan

    13 September 2021... He also spent time with top women peacekeepers deployed to UNMISS to understand some of the challenges they face in executing the ... Women and girls suffered huge harm during the civil war in South Sudan. Many were killed or injured. ...

  3. Much-needed face masks and COVID-19 information handed out in busy but non-compliant Kapoeta

    19 August 2020... were discussed by participants at a recent forum in Kapoeta, Eastern Equatoria State. Despite the threat of COVID-19, ...

  4. UN and local authorities in Imatong call for end to impunity for gender-based violence

    8 December 2017 UN and local authorities in Imatong call for end to impunity for gender-based violence Clasping hands and raising their voices in unison, over 90 participants of a gender symposium chanted slogans calling for...

  5. Forum to enhance understanding of the Revitalized Peace Agreement witnesses encouraging response in Kuajok

    29 September 2021... Peace Agreement at a forum jointly facilitated by UNMISS and the United Nations Multi-partner Fund. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS. Building local capacities and infusing ...

  6. IWD 2016 in Aweil

    9 March 2016... that women must be empowered to make a change in the Society. ...

  7. UN Special Advisor sees ‘all the warning signs’ the South Sudan conflict could spiral into genocide / Full Remarks

    21 November 2016 The success of the Sustainable Development Goals, will depend, in part, on how well stakeholders invest and support the young girls of today, according to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).

  8. UN Security Council meeting with the Cabinet; Elia Lomuro

    3 September 2016 UN Security Council meeting with the Cabinet; Ambassador Power -

  9. Security Council delegation to visit South Sudan pt.1/2

    31 August 2016 UN Security Council meeting with the Cabinet; Ambassador Power -

  10. SRSG meets with South Sudan Cabinet Affairs Minister

    7 September 2016 UN Security Council meeting with the Cabinet; Ambassador Power -
