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  1. Civil Society Alliance: “Stop using Social Media to fan ethnic hatred”

    11 October 2016 The Chairperson of the South Sudan Civil Society Alliance (SSCSA)Akuoch Ajang urges the public to stop using social ...

  2. UNMISS in Bor partners with community based and civil society organizations to fight COVID-19

    11 May 2020... is meant as a long-term partnership with community based and civil society organizati ...

  3. In Lakes state, 16 Days of Activism reaches school students, civil society and women’s representatives

    2 December 2021... young secondary school students here. Photo by James Mawien/UNMISS LAKES - The impact of early and forced ...

  4. Journalists, civil society activists in Bor learn more about electoral roles, media laws and safety

    4 July 2023 At an UNMISS workshop in Bor, journalists, human rights defenders and others recently discussed their roles in the public ...

  5. Civil society taskforce appeals for protection of civilians

    11 October 2016 Tree plantation Campaign launched in Aweil today   PROGRAMMES DEPARTMENT    

  6. Civil society organizations and local police in Malakal build capacities at an UNMISS workshop

    2 December 2021 UNMISS continues building capacities of key local stakeholders at the UN ... mission, UNHCR and other partners. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS. MALAKAL - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) is consistently working to improve the capacities of local stakeholders ...

  7. Western Equatoria farmers trained in crop management

    30 April 2012... 27 April 2012 - To boost food productivity in Western Equatoria, the state Ministry of Agriculture conducted a one-day crop ...

  8. 60 military officers from South Sudan trained on child rights in Central Equatoria

    26 October 2021... 60 South Sudanese military officers were trained in upholding the rights of children and ensuring that they are fully protected during armed conflict. Photo by Surur Ali Ayile/UNMISS. More than 60 South Sudan People’s ...

  9. Western Equatoria judges trained in courts and human rights

    25 November 2011... to bolster the capacity of South Sudan's judiciary, UNMISS Human Rights section conducted a one-day training for local judges today at the ...

  10. Youth in Eastern Equatoria receive UNMISS support for their COVID-19 prevention drive

    5 June 2020... Sudan by conducting door-to-door awareness raising with UNMISS-produced messages based on WHO guidelines. ...
