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  1. An UNMISS peace campaign brings communities in Nimule together

    25 July 2023... by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS EASTERN EQUATORIA – For years, the world’s newest nation, South Sudan, has been embroiled in bloody civil wars. ...

  2. At UNMISS peace event, communities speak about challenges and the need for unity

    10 October 2023 Joint peace event by UNMISS and Eastern Equatoria’s state Ministry for Youth, Culture and Sport marks ... deal in 2018, intercommunal violence—a legacy of past civil wars—continues to shadow people’s lives across the world’s new ...

  3. UNMISS provides water system for thousands in Magwi

    19 February 2015... 18 February, 2015 - Easing a severe water shortage in Magwi, Eastern Equatoria State, UNMISS today handed over a $60,000 pipe-borne water facility ...

  4. Women in Nimule learn how to achieve peaceful coexistence

    29 May 2021... Representatives of women’s groups in Nimule in Eastern Equatoria State have gathered and been trained to spearhead efforts to promote ...

  5. UNMISS trains South Sudanese military commanders on human rights and international humanitarian laws

    21 September 2021... A recent workshop facilitated by UNMISS in Eastern Equatoria trained some 100 soldiers from the SSPDF and SPLM-iO on their human ...

  6. UN hailed in South Sudanese states

    27 October 2014 24 October 2014 - UN Day was marked across South Sudan’s states today by colourful celebrations featuring cultural dances, drawing competitions, school donations, sporting activities and speeches.

  7. Despite COVID-19, 60 people build skills through an UNMISS-supported vocational training in Malakal

    9 June 2020 As Theresa Dak, a South Sudanese woman, dons her graduation gown, accessorized with the obligatory face mask in these times of COVID-19, she says she f

  8. Thanks to the UN and partners, former child soldiers aim for a better future

    28 April 2020 With newly-acquired skills courtesy a six-month vocational training programme, Malis*, a former child soldier, has started a carpentry workshop in Yambio where he uses his talents to produce necessary items for the local community...

  9. UNPOL trains 80 community policing focal points in Torit on human rights, international humanitarian law

    12 October 2021... to potential crime. 80 members of such Committees in Eastern Equatoria were recently trained by UNPOL officers serving with UNMISS on human ...

  10. UNMISS workshop seeks to enhance criminal justice in Bor

    28 May 2024 A two-day workshop hosted by UNMISS in Bor brought together some 40 participants to discuss ways and means to strengthen the criminal justice chain. Photo by Achol Kur/UNMISS JONGLEI – The United Nations Mission ...
