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  1. Near Verbatim Remarks by the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General Ms. Sara Nyanti on UN Day 2022

    24 October 2022 Honourable Minister Stephen Par Kuol, representing the Government of the Republic of South Sudan.

  2. Advocacy event for 16 Days in Juba puts young students on the centerstage

    27 November 2021... JUBA - Sensitizing young minds on equal rights for women—that was the focus of an unconventional but necessary ...

  3. A visit to the Shilluk king: When professional accolades mesh with respect for diversity

    30 January 2019 When the announcement is first made that the Shilluk king is on his way back to his kingdom in Fashoda, and that a courtesy call is being planned, at first, it’s just “another” story.

  4. Statement by Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the Secretary-General & Head of UNMISS at the 30th RJMEC Plenary Meeting [As Delivered]

    6 July 2023 [AS DELIVERED]

  5. Communities in Ikotos make remarkable peace gains following months of conflict

    21 February 2023... led to a remarkable increase in peace gains across Ikotos in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan, where once-feuding communities are now embracing ...

  6. Statement of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Mr. David Shearer, Briefing to the African Union Peace and Security Council on the situation in South Sudan, 14 November 2019

    14 November 2019   Thank you Mr. President and members of the Peace and Security Council.

  7. Youth participation in political and civic life focus of joint UN and WPDI dialogue

    16 August 2023... training to battle climate change. Photo by James Sokiri/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA – August 12 is annually marked as International Youth Day. ...

  8. Year-round activism against gender-based violence needed to achieve ultimate goal of free and safe movement for all

    27 November 2019 Fuel-efficient stoves make it possible for women to spend more time in the relative safety of their homes. “Join hands, stand against rape” is the South Sudanese national theme for this year’s campaign of 16 ...

  9. Rule of Law training held in Ezo County

    19 May 2014... - Aiming to assist vulnerable groups understand justice, UNMISS concluded a two-day training on rule of law today in Ezo County, Western Equatoria State. ...

  10. Women participate in peace dialogue in Yambio

    7 August 2014... - To promote the role of women in peace and development, UNMISS today organized a one-day forum for women in the Western Equatoria State capital Yambio. ...
