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  1. Bentiu patients learn to keep healthy

    23 October 2013 22 October 2013 - UNMISS and UN agencies in Bentiu held two health education meetings today in ...

  2. Thousands of IDPs vaccinated against cholera in Bentiu

    22 May 2014... 22 May 2014 - To prevent an outbreak of cholera on the UNMISS protection site in Bentiu, Unity State, humanitarian partners completed ...

  3. UNICEF and WFP launch nutrition screening of children in Warrap

    29 October 2015 Stepping up their activities in South Sudan, the World Food Programme (WFP) and UNICEF today launched a mass mobilization campaign in Warrap State to screen thousands of children for malnutrition.

  4. Senior SPLA Officers Urged to Protect Children in Armed Conflict

    30 October 2017... unit of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) conducted a workshop training SPLA officers to understand and respect ...

  5. UNMISS empowers rule of law actors in Jonglei to investigate and prosecute cases related to violence against women

    14 November 2021 A three-day UNMISS workshop in Bor, Jonglei, sought to empower local rule of law actors to ... women effectively and efficiently. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS Rule of law actors in Bor, Jonglei, have been trained on preventing, investigating, and prosecuting case ...

  6. Top UN official, Nicholas Haysom, stresses elections must reflect the will, consensus of all South Sudanese

    23 November 2023 SRSG and Head of UNMISS, Nicholas Haysom, briefs the press today in Juba, the capital of South Sudan. CENTRAL EQUATORIA – Under sunny skies in Juba, the capital city of the world’s ...

  7. Church seeks an end to stigmatizing survivors of gender-based violence

    27 June 2019 Some survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in South Sudan are condemned and rejected by their families, and the country’s Council of Churches (SSCC) wants this sti

  8. Strengthening partnerships, protecting civilians: UNMISS patrol monitors progress of Quick Impact Projects

    30 May 2022 An UNMISS patrol team greeted by the community of Lesi in Western Equatoria State, where progress of an ongoing Quick Impact Project was ... Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS WESTERN EQUATORIA – While protecting civilians affected by conflict is the United ...

  9. UN-led consultations on South Sudan’s permanent constitution in Bentiu include youth, women’s voices

    19 March 2023... and upcoming elections. A joint two-day consultation led by UNMISS, UNHCR, UN Women and UNDP sought to hear from internally displaced ... disabilities in Bentiu. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS UNITY - In 2011, South Sudan won its ...

  10. UNMISS hands over newly constructed police station in Western Bahr El Ghazal, boosting law and order

    21 July 2021... A handover of a newly-constructed police station by UNMISS through its Quick Impact Projects programme has brought relief and joy ... enforcement officials and community members alike in remote Eastern Bank, Western Bahl EL Ghazal state. Photo by Dawit K. Tedla/UNMISS. ...
