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  1. UNMISS steps up patrols and monitors human rights violations in greater Tambura

    12 August 2021... Tambura are thought to have been displaced by violence. UNMISS has visited them, looking into reports of grave human rights violations. Photos: Denis Louro Oliver/UNMISS ...

  2. CSOs receive human rights training in Rumbek

    12 May 2014... 2014 - To help promote human rights among local communities, UNMISS recently conducted training on monitoring and reporting for 21 Civil Society Organization (CSO) representatives in the Lak ...

  3. UNMISS facilitates recovery and resilience-building forum in Wau

    17 March 2021... A recent forum organized by UNMISS in Wau brought together civil society organisations, women's representatives, youth, local business people ...

  4. Governor’s forum in Upper Nile: Call for accountability, good governance, service delivery and adequate female representation

    9 September 2021... When more than a hundred politicians and civil society representatives in Malakal got together to ponder how to consolidate ...

  5. High-level delegation visits Jonglei state, led by acting Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan

    29 October 2021... situation caused by massive floods. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS Insecurity across Jonglei state in ...

  6. UN Peace Chief begins four-day visit to South Sudan, says Revitalized Agreement key political framework for sustained peace

    6 November 2022... Jean-Pierre Lacroix, met with senior leaders from UNMISS, humanitarian partners and the donor community. Photo by Priyanka Chowdhury/UNMISS JUBA - It was a sunny day in South ...

  7. South Sudanese communities hold Rights Day celebrations

    11 December 2014... citizens across the country today commemorated International Human Rights Day with speeches, debates, traditional dancing and other activities ...

  8. Building Peace Through Music: Amal Jazz Band from Malakal, South Sudan

    22 September 2020 The Amal Jazz Band, an ensemble of talented musicians, gives music lessons to displaced children and teenagers so that youngsters inculcate the strong cultural heritage of South Sudan. Music has the...

  9. Near Verbatim Transcript of SRSG/Head of UNMISS Nicholas Haysom's Press Conference – Opening Remarks and Q & A

    3 June 2021... Nicholas Haysom, held his first press conference at the UNMISS headquarters in Juba today. Photo by Isaac Alebe Avoro/UNMISS. [near verbatim] ...

  10. Volunteers in action on International Volunteer Day

    6 December 2012 5 December 2012 - Focusing on projects enhancing peace and development in South Sudanese communities, UN Volunteers across the country today celebrated International Volunteer Day (IVD).
