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  1. Female prisoners learn dressmaking

    28 May 2012 25 May 2012 – Ten Juba Prison officers and four female inmates completed a two-week training course in sewing skills today that was organized by the Swedish Prison and Probation Service under the a

  2. Peace Commission chairperson Rambang: National dialogue should be bottom-up, inclusive process

    3 February 2017 Chuol Rambang, chairperson of the South Sudan Peace Commission, suggests an inclusive, bottom-up approach to the national dialogue, as a complement to the peace agreement. “The national dialogue should be con...

  3. As tensions continue in Tambura, UNMISS and authorities conduct assessment mission

    5 April 2024 As tensions rise in Tambura, Western Equatoria, a joint assessment mission by government partners and UNMISS hears community concerns. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS. ...

  4. South Sudanese women leaders urged to be peace advocates in their communities

    23 November 2017 South Sudanese women leaders urged to be peace advocates in their communities Women leaders from across the capital Juba are participating in a two-day forum to empower them as important actors in the peace p...

  5. Young people pledge to work for peace in Western Lakes area

    14 March 2018 Some 80 youth in the Western Lakes area attended a workshop on how to improve their capacity to play a positive role in peace building. The Rumbek Field Office of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has...

  6. Government and UNMISS Inaugurate South Sudan’s First Juvenile Reformatory Centre in Juba

    6 November 2019

  7. Near Verbatim: Press Conference by Mr Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS

    24 May 2023... Good morning. I would like to welcome you to this UNMISS Press Conference. ...

  8. Citizens of Bentiu call for justice and accountability against human rights violations and abuses

    12 October 2018... Residents in Bentiu are calling for action against human rights violations and abuses in South Sudan. ...

  9. Indian peacekeepers provide much-needed livelihood support in Kodok

    18 September 2018 Residents of Kodok county in the Fashoda area of South Sudan had every reason, last week, to be grateful to Indian peacekeepers deployed in the area.

  10. Communities hold pre-migration meeting in Aweil East County

    11 February 2015 10 February 2015 - To boost peaceful co-existence among host and immigrant communities in Northern Bahr El-Ghazal State, representatives of the Dinka Malual and Misseyria tribes today attended a me
