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  1. UNMISS in Malakal raises awareness on the rights and entitlements of persons living with disabilities

    26 May 2022... 20 of them participated in a workshop focused on their rights to equal participation in every sphere of life. Photo: Nyang Touch/UNMISS UPPER NILE STATE- Life in South Sudan, ...

  2. Surviving outside the military

    29 March 2012... he signed up as a child soldier during the height of Sudan's civil war at the age of 14. ...

  3. Surviving outside the military

    29 March 2012... he signed up as a child soldier during the height of Sudan's civil war at the age of 14. ...

  4. JMEC Chair, Mogae; opening remarks to stakeholders meeting in Juba pt.2

    22 November 2016 A two day awareness workshop on the general mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has opened in Juba.

  5. UNMISS-funded vegetable market makes dream come true for women in Yambio

    4 June 2024 An UNMISS-funded women's vegetable market in Western Equatoria has brought joy and hope to thousands of residents, making a ... by Denis Louro/UNMISS. WESTERN EQUATORIA – Singing, dancing, and openly voicing their gratitude: The women ...

  6. UNMISS holds workshop on women and conflict in Maridi

    25 February 2014... - To promote women’s role in upholding peace in Western Equatoria State, the UNMISS Gender Unit recently held a one-day workshop in Maridi County. ...

  7. UNMISS conducts human rights training in Tambura

    21 August 2014 20 August 2014 - UNMISS today completed a four-day human rights training for women and youth in Tambura County, Western Equatoria State. ...

  8. Yambio youth leaders want bigger role as peace ambassadors in their communities

    27 August 2020 Youth leaders at an UNMISS-organized forum in Yambio discussing how to achieve durable peace in ...

  9. While displaced persons return to Morobo, more support required for them to fully reintegrate

    13 March 2023... process in South Sudan begins to ramp up, those who fled the civil wars of the past decade are slowly returning to their original ... isn't easy, as a visiting UNMISS patrol to Morobo, Central Equatoria, discovered. Photo by James Sokiri/UNMISS ...

  10. Timely, peaceful democratic transition remains critical for South Sudan says top UN official

    24 May 2023... says, is already behind schedule. Photo by Carole Abou Farah/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA - As South Sudan grapples with multiple challenges, Nicholas Haysom, ...
