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  1. Yambio: Military officers from former armed groups trained on protecting children in conflict situations

    26 March 2017... senior military officers from former armed groups in Western Equatoria have attended an UNMISS-led two-day training in Yambio on protection of children and vulnerable ...

  2. National - UNV Civil Affairs Officer

    26 March 2012 Title: UNV Civil Affairs Officer Project Title: UNV Assistance to UNMISS, ID no. ... Officer Grade: National UN Volunteer Region: Eastern Equatoria, Lakes, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Western Bahr el Ghazel, Warrap, ...

  3. Kapoeta police trained by UN colleagues

    2 May 2019... police officers in Kapoeta receive certificates after being trained by UN Police. Today, they are the lucky ones. ... venue, because they live here in Kapoeta in South Sudan’s Eastern Equatoria region. ...

  4. Greater Bahr El-Ghazal prison officers trained in service laws

    4 November 2012... environment promoting peace and development in South Sudan, UNMISS Western Bahr El-Ghazal Acting State Coordinat ...

  5. Senior South Sudanese police officers in Yambio trained by UNMISS

    19 January 2021... of the South Sudan Police Service in Yambio, Western Equatoria, pictured during an UNMISS-facilitated training on leadership and management skills. ...

  6. Akobo SPLA trained in child rights

    4 November 2013... use and recruitment of children in the South Sudanese army, UNMISS completed a two-day training today for members of the Sudan Peop ...

  7. Rumbek women leaders trained to prevent conflict

    1 July 2015 30 June 2015 - UNMISS today concluded a training workshop on conflict prevention and ...

  8. Community representatives in Bentiu PoC site trained on dialogue and mediation

    9 December 2016... Community representatives in Bentiu PoC site trained on dialogue and mediation Community ...

  9. Organized forces and other security actors in Malakal trained on gender equality by UNMISS, UN Women

    14 November 2021... key security actors in Malakal, Upper Nile, were trained on gender equality and their role in preventing violence against women by UNMISS and UN Women. Photo by Samson Liberty/UNMISS. ...

  10. Prison officers trained in human rights as well as protection and management of inmates in Upper Nile

    20 December 2021 Across South Sudan, crime is rising due to the dire economic situation and a breakdown of law and order.
