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  1. Women leaders in Torit empowered to support the Revitalized Peace Agreement

    7 February 2019 “What a man can do a woman can do!”

  2. UNMISS Quick Impact Projects to support returnees coming back from Tambura

    23 December 2022... displacement, waiting for the inauguration ceremony of an UNMISS-funded healthcare centre. Photos: Denis Louro/UNMISS WESTERN EQUATORIA - “I was displaced from my village last year due to conflict. I ...

  3. UNMISS raises awareness on preventing sexual and gender-based violence in Naandi

    13 July 2023 Residents of Naandi attend an UNMISS-facilitated event on preventing and reporting on sexual and gender-based ... Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS WESTERN EQUATORIA - Enhancing human rights—especially women’s rights—is crucial ...

  4. Following the destruction wrought by the Tambura conflict, hope returns to Nabanga community, thanks to UNMISS

    27 July 2023... brought joy to communities in a remote village in Western Equatoria. Photo by Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS WESTERN EQUATORIA – Until ...

  5. Advocating for women’s rights: Charity Edisa, peacebuilder

    29 November 2023... Meet Charity Edisa from Mundri, Western Equatoria, who has braved conflict zones and is a fierce women’s rights advocate. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS. WESTERN EQUATORIA – At ...

  6. UNMISS launches road rehabilitation project to support peacebuilding and livelihoods

    19 June 2024... inter-communal violence in the southern part of Central Equatoria. Photo by Surur Ali/UNMISS. CENTRAL EQUATORIA – ...

  7. UNMISS and UNDP organize forum in Yambio to discuss ways to promote peace and reconciliation

    21 June 2024... youth, and women representatives from across Western Equatoria State, recently participated in a peace forum in Yambio organized by UNMISS and UNDP. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS. ...

  8. Security threats poses concern for Yei communities: UNMISS asks to assist

    22 June 2024... and local authorities in Yei and Lainya in the Central Equatoria region during a peace and security mission by representatives of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). Photo by Taban Geofrey Koma Alfred/UNMISS. ...

  9. UNMISS to resume rehabilitating Yei-Kajokeji Road in upcoming dry season

    1 July 2024 UNMISS, local authorities meet to discuss restarting vital road repairs in Central Equatoria once the dry season begins. Photo by Taban Alfred/UNMISS. CENTRAL EQUATORIA – Engineers from the United Nations Mission in South Sudan ...

  10. Police Community Relations Committee in Lainya give hope to communities, despite challenges

    2 July 2024... despite significant challenges. Photo by Taban Alfred/UNMISS. CENTRAL EQUATORIA – “Earlier our people were mired in repeated conflict cycles, ...
