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  1. UNMISS trains Upper Nile State chiefs on bridging customary and statutory law

    28 February 2022... local community leadership structures. Photos: Nyang Touch/UNMISS UPPER NILE - How can chiefs be successful ...

  2. COVID-19 taskforce committee in Torit receives ambulance from UNMISS

    30 June 2020 The United Nations Mission in South Sudan has handed over a vehicle meant to be used as an ambulance to the COVID-19 taskforce committee in Torit.

  3. Over 300 prison wardens graduate in Rumbek

    24 August 2012 22 August 2012 - Furthering rule of law in newly independent South Sudan, 375 wardens graduated today from a one-year course in Rumbek, Lakes State.

  4. Displaced learn to live together in Bentiu

    3 April 2014... people sheltering on its base in Bentiu, Unity State, UNMISS completed three workshops today on living in the camp. ...

  5. UNPOL team trains Yambio police officers on close protection of dignitaries

    4 January 2024 In Yambio, Western Equatoria, some 30 officers of the South Sudan National Police Service received an UNMISS-facilitated training on the protection of high-profile individuals. ... Katie/UNMISS. WESTERN EQUATORIA – Building the capacity of their South Sudanese counterparts ...

  6. Local NGO urges tolerance for values and diversity

    16 November 2016 A two day awareness workshop on the general mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has opened in Juba.

  7. UNMISS giving free veterinary lectures at Jonglei university

    10 June 2013... 10 June 2013 - Recognizing the desperate shortage of trained teachers at Jonglei State's only university, UNMISS has been providing the Bor institution with free veterinary classes. ...

  8. UNMAS, ECHO launch campaign in London

    5 August 2014 5 August 2014 - To raise awareness about the impact of landmines, the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) recently launched an outreach and advocacy campaign in the Unitedd Kingdom capital London.

  9. Parliamentarians in Bentiu ready to work in partnership with UNMISS to restore peace

    28 June 2017... Parliamentarians in Bentiu ready to work in partnership with UNMISS to restore peace The Speaker of the State ... is encouraging the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) to help to build ...

  10. As rainy season approaches, UNMISS peacekeepers prepare to overcome mobility challenges

    20 February 2023 As the rainy season approaches, UNMISS peacekeepers in Jonglei, South Sudan, are fully prepared to amp up their ... through all terrain vehicles. Photo by Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS JONGLEI – When South Sudan gained ...
