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  1. Finding families

    12 November 2014 Efforts are underway in the Jonglei State capital Bor to identify, trace and reunify hundreds of children separated from their families during the worst days of the South Sudan conflict.

  2. Government pledges to ratify key human rights conventions

    12 December 2011... laws and enact new ones to ensure they met international human rights standards. ...

  3. Human Rights Commissioner Pillay pledges to support Jonglei women

    11 May 2012... abductions, insecurity and forced marriages today with a UN human rights chief visiting the a ...

  4. UNMISS trains HIV/AIDS counsellors in Bor

    17 July 2012... and assist South Sudan in curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS, UNMISS and UNICEF concluded a 16-day training in the Jonglei State capital of ...

  5. Parliamentary hearings on South Sudan media bills close

    4 November 2012 3 November 2012 - South Sudanese government officials, lawmakers and journalists exchanged sharply differing views on provisions of pending media laws during the final day of public hearings on thr

  6. UNMISS Trains HIV/AIDs counselors in Bor

    5 November 2012... - In a continuing effort to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, UNMISS concluded a 10-day training on the pandemic for counselors today in Bor, ...

  7. SRSG Johnson visits Upper Nile State, discusses security

    14 November 2012... conflicts in the state with the onset of the dry season, UNMISS head Hilde F. ...

  8. Breaking the cycle of violence

    23 January 2013 As part of a continuing effort to tackle unrest in Jonglei State, the South Sudanese Presidential Committee for Peace, Reconciliation and Tolerance in Jonglei organized a peace planning workshop in

  9. South Sudanese protest killing of Ngok Dinka chief

    7 May 2013 7 May 2013 - Hundreds of South Sudanese today marched through Juba, demonstrating against the killing of the Ngok Dinka Paramount Chief in the contested region of Abyei on 4 May.

  10. International Day of Families

    14 May 2013 South Sudanese family near Pibor, Jonglei State.
