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  1. Juba women debate post-independence status

    23 August 2013 21 August 2013 – Some 25 women took part in a forum at Juba Civic Engagement Center today aimed at their achievements, challenges, return from abroad and access to information.

  2. Jonglei students call for inter-marriage and forgiveness

    28 August 2013 27 August 2013 - Community intermarriage, forgiveness and equitable development could resolve the vicious of cycle of violence in Jonglei State, students said at a one-day panel discussion today in

  3. UNMISS team in Warrap starts outreach campaign to reach all state counties

    26 September 2013... host community's awareness and understanding of the role of UNMISS, an integrated t ...

  4. UNMISS SRSG visits Northern Bahr El Ghazal

    9 October 2013... and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Ms. Hilde F. ...

  5. Government and partners hold fund-raising meeting for prevention of SEA campaign

    10 October 2013... and Abuse (PSEA), the South Sudanese government, UNMISS, UN agencies and representatives of civil soci ...

  6. Mayom women discuss government participation, justice

    22 November 2013... Aiming to enhance their capacity in business and leadership, UNMISS today organized a one-day forum for women in Mayom County, Unity State. ...

  7. Kuajok holds meeting on justice for vulnerable people

    22 November 2013 20 November 2013 - Justice was a pre-requisite for sustainable peace in South Sudan, the Warrap State Minister for Social Development said in the state capital Kuajok today.

  8. Forum on instability and development held in Bor

    29 November 2013 28 November 2013 - Focusing on instability and ways forward for development in parts of Jonglei State, a two-day forum for state assembly members concluded today in the

  9. Campaign against SEA kicks off in Malakal

    2 December 2013 28 November 2013 - A top official in Upper Nile State urged people in the capital Malakal today to report any form of sexual harassment and related cases of abuse.

  10. Ban, Security Council welcome South Sudan cessation of hostilities agreement

    24 January 2014 23 January 2014 - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the UN Security Council today welcomed the signing of a cessation of hostilities agreement between anti- and pro-gov
