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  1. Bentiu residents committed to working with UNMISS to implement new mandate

    9 April 2018 Efforts to explain the new mandate of the UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan and build trust and confidence with the community are underway with the first of a series of workshops held in Benti

  2. UNMISS Supports Transparency and Accountability through Right to Information

    3 August 2018 Journalists, civil society groups and national bodies responsible for scrutinizing public ...

  3. UNMISS head performs live with Emmanuel Kembe in support of peace

    10 August 2018 Head of UNMISS, David Shearer (right), with legendary South Sudanese musician, Emmanuel Kembe at the SSBC studios in Juba. Photo: Moses Pasi/UNMISS David Shearer and Emmanuel Kembe Live!’ was an ...

  4. Going for the Goal: South Sudanese University Students Aim to Score for Peace

    9 October 2018 Students from five universities in South Sudan march together on a field at the University of Juba.

  5. AU-UN visit to South Sudan concludes with messages of hope and commitment to peace; inclusion of women

    10 October 2018 A joint African Union-United Nations delegation has concluded a three-day visit to South Sudan, expressing hope for “full cessation of hostilities” and a promise to “hold accountable” those who may

  6. Tonj and Gok form Joint Border Court to arbitrate cross-state conflicts

    3 April 2019 The two neighbouring communities of Tonj and Gok have agreed to establish a joint border court to arbitrate cases of inter-communal violence.

  7. Women grassroots in Juba discuss gender-related provisions of the revitalized peace agreement

    13 May 2019 Catherine Lotto from the Young Christian Women's Association at a workshop about gender provisions in the revitalized peace agreement. “I am a woman, a peacemaker and a peacekeeper. That is how I am made.” ...

  8. UNMISS organises strategic security meeting in Duk Padiet, Greater Jonglei

    2 September 2019... Some 2,000 people, many in uniforms, met in Duk Padiet as UNMISS facilitated a peace-promoting security meeting. ...

  9. Civil-military dialogue on human rights held in Jonglei

    26 September 2019

  10. ‘Our Peace’: A forum of grassroots and national actors seeks to move forward the revitalised peace agreement

    2 October 2019 At a hotel in the South Sudanese capital, Juba, small groups of men and women – in dozens – gather around conference tables.
