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  1. Women in Northern Upper Nile form support groups to elevate voices

    31 October 2019... decision making and development processes at all levels of society.  ...

  2. Rights of Aweil women not being respected, says local minister of social development

    13 January 2020... Not happy. Several Aweil attending a workshop on human rights complained that their entitlements are ignored. ...

  3. UNMISS mandate to protect civilians and build durable peace renewed until March 2021

    13 March 2020 UNMISS mandate to protect civilians and build durable peace renewed until March ...

  4. UNMISS starts month-long mobile campaign to help prevent coronavirus in Jonglei

    24 April 2020... Across South Sudan, national authorities, civil society and the United Nations have joined forces to sensitize local ...

  5. UNMISS part of Jonglei joint COVID-19 effort making the most of women’s potential to influence

    14 May 2020 Radio shows and public service announcements on how to keep the Coronavirus at bay are being financed by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan. A joint, statewide COVID-19 awareness campaign in Jongle...

  6. UNMISS expresses concern at division within the SPLM-IO

    12 August 2021 Juba, 11 August 2021: The United Nations Mission in South Sudan is concerned at the division that has developed within

  7. Diseases and pests main challenges to food security in Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal State

    25 August 2021... there were an abundance of inputs. Photos: Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS The directors of agricultural departments of ...

  8. Security in Bor receives a boost with inauguration of two Police Community Relations Committees

    20 September 2021... community ownership of law and order. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS Residents of Malek and Panpandiar areas ...

  9. UNMISS, humanitarian partners and government representatives attend joyous UN Day event

    22 October 2021 UNMISS and the UN Country Team organized a joyous, colorful celebration in Juba ... UN personnel who work every day to reverse the effects of civil war, subnational violence and COVID-19 to help communities usher in an ... development and durable peace. Photo by Priyanka Chowdhury/UNMISS Music. Some impromptu dancing. And tons of ...

  10. Communities in Greater Yei celebrate United Nations Day

    26 October 2021... anniversary of the United Nations. Photo by Surur Ali Ayile/UNMISS. Cultural performances, peace songs and ...
